The anointed Easter Resurrection season is here — the time we give our best to God to honor how He gave
His best for us on the Cross … and, in the history of Breakthrough, also one of the most abundant
seasons for miracles of the entire year!
And 2025 is the 40th year of our Resurrection Seed celebration — and 40 in the Bible has a clear symbolic meaning:
- Moses came down from Mount Sinai after 40 days, carrying with him God’s law that placed the chosen people
in everlasting covenant with their heavenly Father.
- The Israelites wandered 40 years in the wilderness and then stormed into the Promised Land.
- Jesus fasted for 40 days and then launched into a ministry filled with signs, wonders, and miracles!
This is our moment to leave behind the sorrows of the past and walk into our Promised Land, our new level of
hope in Christ that overflows with milk and honey, just as the Lord promised!
What do you need from your heavenly Father? Now is the time to sow in faith for …
- Physical healing
- Victory over addiction, depression, loneliness
- Salvation for lost loved ones
- Financial breakthrough
…Whatever your most urgent needs, we’ll pray with you!
As you sow, be sure to request your thank-you gifts …
Sow a Resurrection Seed Offering and receive …
Pastor Parsley’s powerful book
Overflow: God’s Abundance For Your Finances, Health, and Family
As a follower of the Lord Jesus, you are promised abundant life — this book is your guide to tap into
this divine abundance in every area of your life and for your loved ones, too.
Sow $50 or more and receive the book plus:
Pastor Parsley’s 2-message, 4-disc set on 2 DVDs and 2 CDs or digital download
Discover the biblical secrets to walking in the divine “more than enough” promised to you as a child of
the King. Let Pastor Parsley build your faith, listening as you drive or at home doing housework or watch the messages
on DVD and take notes, too.
Sow $100 or more and receive the book, the message set, and:
The Overflow Journal contains promises about the gifts promised to you as God’s child!
Plus, there’s space for you to write down your prayers and reflections. Each day you’ll be blessed with
a new promise so you can walk in an overflow of blessings!
Sow a Resurrection Seed Offering and receive …
Pastor Parsley’s powerful book
Overflow: God’s Abundance For Your Finances, Health and Family
As a follower of the Lord Jesus, you are promised abundant life — this book is your guide to tap into
this divine abundance in every area of your life and for your loved ones, too.
Pastor Parsley’s 2-message, 4-disc set on 2 DVDs and 2 CDs or digital download
Discover the biblical secrets to walking in the divine “more than enough” promised to you as a child of
the King. Let Pastor Parsley build your faith, listening as you drive or at home doing housework or watch the
messages on DVD and take notes, too.
The Overflow Journal contains promises about the gifts promised to you as God’s child!
Plus, there’s space for you to write down your prayers and reflections. Each day you’ll be blessed with a
new promise so you can walk in an overflow of blessings!
Stretch your faith — sow a Resurrection Seed Offering of $1,000 or more and receive a gift specially
commissioned for you by Pastor Parsley!
It’s a desk-top replica inspired by the very pulpit from which Pastor Parsley has shared the Resurrection
Truth for decades!
This beautiful art piece is inspired by all the same details as the actual pulpit at World Harvest Church, mounted beautifully
on a base proclaiming:
40 Years of Resurrection Truth