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Update: A second major earthquake occurred on 12 May, 2015 12:35 pm with a magnitude of 7.3. So far the death toll from this earthquake stands at 36 dead and more than 800 injured.

This is in addition to the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Saturday, April 25 and was felt in 4 additional countries has crippled the region.

Over 8,000 have now been confirmed dead with over 18,000 injured, but the fate of thousands more in many remote areas remains unknown and the government has warned that the death toll could rise over 10,000.

Those who remain alive have lost everything. Thousands of villages are destroyed. 90% of clinics and schools are unusable in Kathmandu.

Sunday, April 26, 2015: An elderly injured woman is taken to her home after treatment near Kathmandu, Nepal.

Reach out with a heart of compassion today by helping Bridge of Hope with their goal of supplying 100,000 meals for our ministry partners already on the ground in Nepal ministering to those in the most desperate need.

Give an immediate online donation to help provide emergency aid for those living this nightmare.

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I want to help provide 100,000 meals and other emergency aid to the victims of the Nepal earthquake, and help Bridge of Hope be a first responder to disasters around the world. Here’s my gift of:

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