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Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope Partners The Center for Moral Clarity Chrisitian Education City Harvest Network World Harvest Church Give Today!

God has burdened Pastor Rod Parsley with the need to provide 100,000 meals for Christian victims of Islamic terrorism in Nigeria

Some of them were CHILDREN burned to death in their own homes!

Every hour of the day a Christian somewhere is killed for the faith – Nigeria is the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian. The Middle East may be getting the most press, but Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to ISIS and in Nigeria they are slaughtering your Christian brothers and sisters!

Please help Bridge of hope save the lives of the refugees and survivors of these unprovoked terror attacks. Every $48 will help feed a family – and help me preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast. $96 will help feed two families -- whatever God has placed in your hand, sow it as a seed of faith today. Our goal is to provide 100,000 meals.

And would you prayerfully consider giving an automatic monthly gift in whatever amount God leads you to give ... and you’ll receive the joy of knowing you’re extending the hands of Christ to the people of Nigeria. Just click below on the monthly automatic deduction form with the satisfaction of knowing you are helping those in need around the world by giving monthly to Bridge of Hope.

When you reach out with compassion for persecuted Christians, I believe God will reward you -- The Bible promises that as you give to the poor, “you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail” (Isaiah 58:11).

Please reach out with compassion today for your Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria!

Yes, Pastor Parsley!

I want to feed hungry Christians in Nigeria who have been forced to flee Islamic terrorism — and help you share the Gospel with a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast.

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