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Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope Partners The Center for Moral Clarity Chrisitian Education City Harvest Network World Harvest Church Give Today!

URGENT • Food emergency for African Christians!
$100,000 Matching Challenge doubles your impact

Africa’s Christians flee Islamic aggression and face starvation because of famine — but there is a way YOU can help!

She was kidnapped by slave traders as a child — the only life Amel knew was hard labor, beatings and her forced conversion to Islam in North Sudan. Her “master” raped her — and now she has his baby, an infant named Kuol.

Thank God, friends like you helped liberate Amel and Kuol, but now famine and civil war could threaten their lives in South Sudan.

Millions like them are in desperate need of emergency food aid!

Please help with your generous seed today!

This Matching Challenge will DOUBLE every dollar up to the $100,000 total to help feed the hungry in Africa and help Pastor Parsley preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast.

But Please hurry. The deadline for the matching challenge ends May 15.

Yes, Pastor Parsley!

I want to reach out to hungry children and families in South Sudan before it’s too late – and help you share the Gospel with a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough television broadcast.

 Learn more...

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