The Holiest Day on God's Calendar
Day of Atonement: God's holiest day of the year! 7 Supernatural Blessings for you!
Dear Friend,

The signs are unmistakable — this is truly a prophetic moment! In the coming weeks, you may experience either:

I encourage you to sow your Day of Atonement Offering now to release the 7 blessings!

It’s the season of Yom Kippur — the Day of Atonement — the holiest day on God’s calendar. This is the one day a year the High Priest gained access to the Holy of Holies ... and when Bible scholars expect Christ’s return.

But whether He returns this Atonement season or not, we have a divine appointment to receive 7 SUPERNATURAL BLESSINGS at this special season:
  1. A DOUBLE portion from the Lord (Joel 2:23)
  2. FINANCIAL overflow (Joel 2:24)
  3. RESTORATION of what you’ve lost (Joel 2:25)
  4. An explosion of MIRACLES (Joel 2:26)
  5. The divine presence of JESUS Himself (Joel 2:27)
  6. Increased REVELATION knowledge (Joel 2:28)
  7. DELIVERANCE from anything blocking you (Joel 2:32)

It happened for Will. He was struggling physically and financially. At the top of the list for things he needed: a new job, more income, and better health.

He began sowing seeds into Breakthrough and requesting prayer for his urgent needs... and then: the answers to his prayers began to appear!
  • He received a government job with a steady paycheck.
  • His finances remarkably DOUBLED!
  • And his medical problem disappeared!

These are the kinds of miracles I want to see for you in this season of the Atonement, but this is a commanded feast — the Bible says everyone must participate, so to position yourself to receive the blessings, consider sowing a seed-faith gift now.

I also want to pray for you during our special Day of Atonement celebration — so be sure to input your most urgent prayer requests on the online prayer form.

As you make your Atonement Offering, I want to thank you by sending you an important resource: the CD, DVD, and digital download of Surviving the Post-Rapture World. This is perfect for anyone who really is left behind — but it’s ideal in this moment, too, because it presents the compelling case for accepting the Lord Jesus TODAY before it’s too late.

Give $50 or more, and I’ll send you the Rapture teaching plus, my two-message/four-disc teaching series 7 Blessings of Atonement and my mini-book Return of the King. These are great prophecy resources and clearly expound the importance of Atonement and its promised blessings.

Give $100 or more and receive all of the above, plus the new 50th Anniversary edition of the Breakthrough Jubilee Bible, which includes a 52-week devotional to guide you week-by-week through an entire Year of Jubilee.

Should the Holy Spirit be leading you to stretch your faith and sow an Atonement Offering of $1,000 or more, I’ll send you all this plus a beautiful shofar from Israel — this is the traditional ram’s horn that is sounded to mark the beginning of the Day of Atonement celebration.

Please respond today. The time is short. The signs are clear. Let’s work together to bring in the final harvest while there’s still time!

I’m also believing God for a DOUBLE PORTION for you — in your finances, health, family, and every area of your life. And I’m believing for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit to draw multitudes to salvation through our ministry.

Pastor Rod Parsley
Pastor Rod Parsley

P.S. – I have been led by the Holy Spirit to guide you for 10 days leading up to the Day of Atonement. Together, let’s believe for miracles, blessings, increase, abundance, and perfect peace — where nothing is broken and nothing is missing. Sign up to receive my 10 Days of Awe email teachings, beginning on October 3!

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