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Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope Partners The Center for Moral Clarity Chrisitian Education City Harvest Network World Harvest Church Give Today!
Bridge of Hope Ministries Thank You

Thanks to you, our faithful partners, Pastor Rod Parsley and Bridge of Hope ministries brings hope to the poor around the world by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and providing life-sustaining relief. Bridge of Hope has provided food and supplies to ease the suffering to those devastated by a hurricane in the Philippines, liberated children caught in the web of Human trafficking in Haiti, set free thousands of Sudanese Christian slaves and provided food and assistance to those who have been ravaged by floods and tornadoes right here in America.

We are called to be the hands of God, reaching out to those in need. Will you help Bridge of Hope be a FIRST RESPONDER to continue to make a difference in the lives of people who need it the most? Natural disasters are happening all around the world on a daily basis. Your financial gift today will help Bridge of Hope have the resources ready to deliver the compassion of Christ to those who are in need. We can’t do it without your help! Please donate today!

Yes, Pastor Rod!

I want to help you give hope to the hopeless by sowing into Bridge of Hope Ministries:

Today's Amount: $ (US Dollars to be charged today)
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