Pastor Rod Parsley
Thank you for helping me take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world. It is humbling to know that together we are shaking the kingdom of darkness and bringing the glorious light of Christ through life-saving food from Bridge of Hope to the hungry and the preaching through the Breakthrough TV ministry to the endless regions of the earth! It’s a testimony to the destiny-shaping impact you are making together with me and this ministry.
  • Nearly 2,000 individual broadcasts of Breakthrough TV just last year – and nearly 167,000 overall.
  • More than 40,000 brothers and sisters freed from slavery in Africa by Bridge of Hope – thanks to the love and generosity of friends like you.
  • More than 28 MILLION meals provided to the hungry victims of famine in Africa and in other impoverished regions.
  • Multitudes fed and cared for after Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.
… And so much more!

Thank you, my dear friend and partner, for your dedication. I know you will be blessed for it because of Jesus’ promise: “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward” (Matthew 10:41).

Our Heavenly Father blessed me with seven times the anointing the devil tried to steal from me during my battle with cancer … I believe you, too, will receive the prophet’s reward when you choose to do the work of the prophet again today with me.

I am asking you now to consider a year-end seed-faith gift to keep this intensive ministry at home and abroad moving forward, reaching even more lost souls with the Good News of Jesus and building believers and churches up for global impact.

In all you have done in your prayers for us and your giving … rejoice! You are doing the Lord’s work, building the Kingdom, and proclaiming the day of salvation for our nation and our world!

Yes, Pastor Parsley!

Please complete the form below to submit your donation:

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Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is a ministry of Bridge of Hope and World Harvest Church, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, United States. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt via mail and email once your transaction has been processed.

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