Pastor Rod Parsley
God’s Got You Covered

& Soaring With Eagles

“As believers, we are never going to be without our Father’s mercy, grace and forgiveness.”
- Dr. Rod Parsley

You’re not justified by what you do, where you’ve been or how you feel, but rather you are justified by faith alone. There is a level of relationship with God where the evil one cannot touch you — the secret place of faith. When you "abide under the shadow of the Almighty," you are protected from every flaming missile of your adversary.

In his books God’s Got You Covered and Soaring With Eagles, Pastor Parsley reveals powerful insight to help you pursue the presence of the Lord, overtake your miracle, and recover all the devil has stolen.

For a limited time, Pastor Parsley wants to send BOTH powerful books to you for any gift of $40 or more in support of this Gospel ministry. Request yours now!

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Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is a ministry of Bridge of Hope and World Harvest Church, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, United States. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt via mail and email once your transaction has been processed.

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