Did you miss your Passover deadline? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Is it too late for you to experience the seven amazing anointings of this commanded feast? NO, IT IS NOT!
God has made a way for you to claim the same blessings as those who participated in Passover — His
divine plan for you is called “Pesach Sheni.”
Claim the Blessings of Pesach Sheni!
Pesach Sheni – Hebrew for “Passover 2” – is a divine deadline extension. It’s
God’s grace in action!
When men in Old Testament Israel were unable to participate in Passover (“Pesach”), God’s
heart responded with mercy ... He ordained Pesach Sheni — a 30-day grace period ... a second Passover!
- Maybe you were out of town.
- Maybe there was an emergency in your family.
- Maybe you simply didn’t hear the word of the Lord in time.
Whatever the reason, Passover is so important to God, He is declaring to you, from the ninth chapter of Numbers:
YOU HAVE TIME! There’s grace coming your way!
Passover is a commanded feast on the Hebrew calendar — the first one of this new year —
and it promises seven amazing blessings for you when you are obedient to keep the feast, as found
in Exodus 23 —
- Angels on assignment (Ex. 23:20). God promises an angel to guide His people to the
Promised Land.
- An adversary to your adversaries (23:22). God Himself will defeat your enemies.
- Assets necessary for life (23:25). Food, shelter, clothing — everything you need
to live.
- Affliction removed (23:25). God promises to remove sickness. Not only will YOU not be sick,
but there won’t even be sickness around you!
- Agelessness (23:26). God promises to fulfill the number of our days — with long life
He will satisfy us, and our youth will be renewed!
- Abundance overflowing (23:31). God promises a land flowing with milk and honey. A place
to thrive.
- A new beginning (23:20-31). This can be a fresh start of living in abundance in every area
of life — family, finances, health, and beyond!
These blessings are meant for you! Plus, Passover this year begins on the
heels of an amazing and prophetic sign:
- The complete total solar eclipse in the USA on April 8 will pass over seven cities
called Salem and seven cities called Nineveh. Nineveh is the wicked city
Jonah called to repentance — and Salem is the Hebrew word for “peace,”
shalom, as in Jerusalem.
- The eclipse is showing us a clear choice between God’s peace and prosperity —
or His judgment for our nation’s wickedness. When we honor God by celebrating
Passover, we invite His promise of peace into our nation and our lives!
Passover is a commanded feast — all people must observe it — and God commands that
you not come to the feast empty-handed (Deut. 16:16-17). Please sow a Passover offering as a
seed of faith for your peace, prosperity, and seven Passover blessings!
The Passover lamb was a foreshadowing of the saving death of Jesus on the Cross, so pray about
honoring His sacrifice for your best seed-faith gift now.
Be sure to fill out the prayer form so we can be praying with you for your most urgent needs.
As you sow, be sure to request your thank-you gifts …
- A beautiful wooden bookmark inscribed with Exodus 12:13, which explains the blood of
the Passover lamb, and the Hebrew letter Tav, which resembles a doorpost, a symbol of
where the blood was applied — this is a thank-you for your most generous Passover
- Sow a Passover offering of $50 or more, and receive the bookmark along with Pastor
Parsley’s book Take This Cup, which explains the cups of the Passover
Seder — the meal that for Jesus was the last supper — and their importance
to us today.
- Sow $100 or more and receive the bookmark, the book, and 7 Blessings of the Blood
on seven CDs and seven DVDs, plus three bonus messages: Doorway of Escape: Marked
by Hyssop, which illustrates the power of Passover cleansing, Pastor Parsley’s
brand-new message, Signs in the Sky: Passover 2024, and an accompanying
Breakthrough interview discussing the significance of the eclipse marking
this prophetic season.
- Sow $300 or more, and receive all the above and a beautiful silver
chalice designed for communion along with a ceremonial bread tray.
- A beautiful wooden bookmark inscribed with Exodus 12:13, which explains the blood of the
Passover lamb, and the Hebrew letter Tav, which resembles a doorpost, a symbol of where
the blood was applied — this is a thank-you for your most generous Passover offering.
- Pastor Parsley’s book Take This Cup, which explains the cups of the Passover
Seder — the meal that for Jesus was the last supper — and their importance
to us today.
- 7 Blessings of the Blood on seven CDs and seven DVDs, plus three bonus messages:
Doorway of Escape: Marked by Hyssop, which illustrates the power of Passover
cleansing, Pastor Parsley’s brand-new message, Signs in the Sky: Passover 2024,
and an accompanying Breakthrough interview discussing the significance of the
eclipse marking this prophetic season.
- A beautiful silver chalice designed for communion along with a ceremonial bread tray.
Stretch your faith and sow a Passover offering of $1,000 or more and receive the
Passover Door,
a gorgeous Amish-crafted wooden door, suitable to display on the wall of your home or office, with a
stirring representation of the blood of the lamb on the doorposts as a reminder of Passover.