Pastor Rod Parsley
Receive The Seven Blessings of Covenant Agreement
Pastor Rod Parsley invites you to come into covenant agreement with him for seven guaranteed blessings - and much, much more!

In Pastor Rod Parsley’s powerfully anointed book 7 Blessings of Covenant Agreement, he outlines the seven heaven-sent blessings that are ALREADY GUARANTEED to you as a child of the King. The moment you accepted Christ as Savior, you were promised all 7 of these blessings!

Request your book and the 7 Blessings of Covenant Agreement (Certificate) today to discover the deepest and truest meaning of the benefits guaranteed to you because of your covenant with Christ the King. In Him you are…

Yes, Pastor Parsley!

I come into agreement with you to support and pray for Breakthrough and our evangelistic outreaches together. I want to support our work with a seed-faith gift to seal our covenant. I know you are in covenant agreement with me. Here’s my gift of:

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Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is a ministry of Bridge of Hope and World Harvest Church, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, United States. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt via mail and email once your transaction has been processed.

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