In 2024, this region experienced its worst drought in 40 years — the land was parched and hardened ... when the wettest
rainy season in 40 years came to some areas … causing devastating floods and the deadly collapse of at least one major dam.
These disasters contributed to nearly 64 million people needing humanitarian aid and protection from the elements.
But your decision now can make a life-saving difference for these children and families.
Every gift will be DOUBLED during our 21-day emergency intervention, up to the $50,000 fund total. We have a goal of providing
150,000 meals to vulnerable children and families caught in the grips of this hunger crisis in South Sudan and elsewhere in
the Horn of Africa.
Your gift of $48 — DOUBLED to $96 — will:
- Help feed 16 children for an entire month
- Provide critical nutrition intervention
- Bring hope to families on the brink of despair
- Help me continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough broadcasts
Your gift of $288 — DOUBLED to $576 — will:
- Help feed 96 children for an entire month
- Provide critical nutrition intervention
- Bring hope to families on the brink of despair
- Help me continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough broadcasts
Your gift of $960 — DOUBLED to $1,920 — will:
- Help feed 320 children for an entire month
- Provide critical nutrition intervention
- Bring hope to families on the brink of despair
- Help me continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our Breakthrough broadcasts
Only please don’t wait!
The Matching Challenge is only for these three critical weeks — and children are hungry now! Please make sure your
gift is DOUBLED: Respond today!