People brought the Apostle Paul handkerchiefs and
cloths to pray over in Acts 19 ... when those anointed cloths
were placed on sick people, they were healed!
After the Be Made Whole anointing services on November 20-21, we will send a Prayer Cloth to you from the service,
saturated in the anointing, to position you for the
manifestation of your miracle! But there is MORE.
- Forty times in the four gospels Jesus was asked
for healing. Forty times sick and dying people
came to Him in need of a miracle.
- And every one of those 40 times, Jesus healed!
He never said NO to a request for healing or
This is what the Prayer Cloth 2020 season is all
about -- the miracles God has already decreed for you.
Here is what we are inviting you to do:
- Fill out the prayer form with your most
urgent miracle needs. Remember, it is God’s will to
heal! By His stripes you are healed -- physical,
emotional, mental, financial, relational ... Receive
what is yours.
- Enclose a seed-faith gift as you are able. We are
going to pray over your needs whether you sow or
not, but urge you to mix your praying with your
giving and sow generously. Every harvest begins
with a seed -- this is God’s way.
After the services, we will send you an anointed prayer
cloth. You place that prayer cloth in faith where you
need the miracle.
It will be a point of contact for the tangible
transfer of God’s anointing so you receive the physical,
emotional or spiritual healing and victory or deliverance
that is already yours!
As you sow in faith, Pastor Parsley wants to thank
you by sending you a brand-new, encouraging book, which the Holy Spirit led him to write for such
a time as this:
He Never Said No!
It is the astounding teaching about the 40 healings
Jesus performed, and why and how it is always His will
to heal.
- Sow $50 or more today and receive He Never Said
No! plus the four-message teaching series on CD
and DVD that goes with it -- to build your faith
for the miracles that are yours!
- Sow $100 or more, and we will send you the book
and teaching series, plus a wonderful two-volume
set that’s very dear to my heart: Be Made Whole.
Volume 1 is a replica of the prayer journal that
helped carry Pastor Parsley through the battle with cancer, with
his handwritten notes, Scriptures and more. Volume 2 is
similar, with an emphasis on miracles and abundance.
Request your resources as you sow your seed of faith.
And don’t wait! Prayer Cloth 2020 is coming quickly,
and we want you to receive what’s already yours, in Jesus’
name. Let us hear from you today!