Your invitation to "Redirect: Revival"
From: Pastor Rod Parsley <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Friend,

I want to personally invite you to three special services at my church. Come for one night or all three, but come. I know you’ll be glad you did.

I’m inviting you because in the midst of everything you’re dealing with, there’s hope. I know, because I’ve discovered the source of hope. Life is full of challenges, and sometimes it’s difficult to know what crisis to address first! I want you to hear about the source of my strength, the reason for my hope: Jesus Christ. He’s not magic – He’s a person, and I believe he has a special blessing just for you.

My church, World Harvest Church Columbus, is hosting services Sept. 22-24 where our pastor, Rod Parsley, will share about our source of hope, power for living and believe for miracles in our life. And because I care about you, I want you to join me. A map to the church is here.

Bring the kids! We’ll have a 50-foot banana split, carnival games & fun activities at Kid Harvest (1st -5th grades). And childcare is provided for newborns through kindergarten.

I hope to see you at 7 p.m. nightly, Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 22-24 at World Harvest Church!

World Harvest Church Polaris | 1250 Gemini Place | Columbus | OH | 43240