Dear Friend,
You can experience the tangible, transferable anointing imparted from Pastor Benny Hinn and me through a simple piece of cloth...
Request YOUR prayer cloth now — and I will send it to you, full of incredible spiritual potential for miracles, after our Worldwide Miracle, Healing and Victory Prayer Cloth Service!
Pastor Benny Hinn (
bio) — one of the most deeply anointed men of God alive today — will join me and thousands of prayer warriors from around the world in prayer for you on Sunday, November 23, 2014.
We will believe God for you to experience His Transforming Touch!
This is your hour to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
From the mundane to the miraculous.
From the common to the uncommon.
I’m talking about something
beyond what you’ve imagined — “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20)!
Something you’ve given up on ...
Something you don’t even bother to pray about anymore ...
Something you’ve lost hope for ...
What is your need? Let me take it to the cross — so you can experience the Transforming Touch.
When you go to the cross, you access the power of Christ’s blood. Do you realize that the crucifixion of Jesus provided a DOUBLE CURE for you? Not only salvation from an eternity in hell — but healing for your physical body!
And if the Father, for the sake of His Son, is willing to suspend the laws of nature to bring about divine healing in your body … how much more can He bring about a Transforming Touch in any realm of your life!
Your finances. Your relationships. Your habits. Anything!
I am pleading with you to submit your needs and sow your strategic seed!
It’s because I want to see you experience the Transforming Touch.
Set your miracle in motion. Obey God’s Word. Express your faith. Sow your seed.
Request your prayer cloth.
I will place your needs on our prayer altar in our Calvary Memorial, and Pastor Benny Hinn will join me in prayer for you on November 23.
Then I will send you a prayer cloth full of the tangible, transferable anointing.
The anointing can be YOURS! What will God do for you?
Please don’t miss this. Let me hear from you immediately!
Pastor Rod Parsley
Worldwide Miracle, Healing, & Victory
Prayer Cloth Service