Pentecost: Your Divine Appointment
Pentecost Fire Deuteronomy 16:16-17 marks Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks, as one of God's sacred "commanded" feast celebrations, the Lord has designed to bless you! But the command is clear: We must not appear before the Lord empty-handed! Pentecost is Sunday, May 19!

Pastor Parsley and our Breakthrough Prayer Warriors are believing for the seven supernatural blessings of Pentecost for you and all who obey the Lord’s command to honor Him!

This acceleration of the timeline makes clear the Holy Spirit is preparing to ACCELERATE YOUR ANOINTING for 7 blessings of Pentecost!

Your Promise - The Seven Anointings of Passover
Its not too late to get in your Passover offering!

Enter into a heavy anointing for abundance, angelic intervention, deliverance from affliction -- and much, much more, by obeying God's command in Deuteronomy 16 to celebrate the feast!

God has marked this prophetic year of the Open Door -- and this Passover season -- with signs and wonders, signaling a unique time of purpose and meaning... one which promises an overflow of abundance, healing, deliverance, and more!

Find out more about the 7 Anointings of Passover God has promised to those who celebrate the feast!
Our Gift to YOU: The Fire Within - A Guide to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Book
Request a copy of The Fire Within from Dr. Rod Parsley that will teach you about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Learn about God's promise being fulfilled, how people are empowered, the potential realized in you, principles and practices, how God's Word says you can be filled, and how it can transform your life.

Together We Can End Idolatry in America!
In the pages of Pastor Rod Parsley’s new book, IDOLATRY IN AMERICA (a sequel to Revival If…), you will find God’s answers to man’s idolatries. Pastor Parsley lays out a plan for countering the rising tide of evil with the purifying fire of revival.

When you sow a generous seed-faith gift today, you will receive the of Idolatry in America – a unique edition, available exclusively from our ministry. You will also be helping Breakthrough continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world.

Scholarship Opportunities to Make You a World Changer!
Valor Christian College is "The School of the Spirit" where students from all 50 states and over 30 nations have come to be equipped as vessels for the end-time revival. From housewives to businessmen and from five-fold ministry gifts to the ministry of helps we are equipping New Testament believers to make a difference in their communities for God's kingdom.

City Harvest Network
Dr. Rod Parsley invites all Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to become a member of CITY HARVEST NETWORK and see what God can do to revitalize your ministry!

All you need to do is contact our offices at 614.382.1135 or through to connect with one of our City Harvest Network Pastors. We are ready and eager to answer your questions about what Dr. Rod Parsley and City Harvest Network can do to revitalize YOUR ministry.

Revival If Covenant Partners
Spark revival for our nation and our world!

I know God wants to pour revival out — and I believe it can happen when you join Pastor Rod Parsley as a Revival Covenant Partner.

It is critical, in these prophetic times, that we stand together to proclaim the Good News.
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