Pastor Parsley has prepared this beautiful complete communion set - just for you. It has everything you need to partake of Holy Communion anywhere, anytime. Including:
- A powerful teaching series with 2 DVDs and a bonus CD
- A portable Breakthrough Communion kit in an elegant pouch
- Personal guide to daily communion
- 4 convenient pre-packaged communion elements
Let Pastor Rod Parsley take you to a deeper revelation in God's word on the subject of FAITH than you ever dreamed possible, with:
- 2 Books "For God to do Nothing, That's Impossible"
- 7 DVDs
- Contending for the Faith Bible
- Plus, Contending for the Faith Devotional
REVELATION: Debunking The Myth
Delve into Pastor Rod Parsley's teaching series on the book of Revelation, with 4 DVDs, a companion study guide, and a bonus CD of Pastor Parsley reading the book of Revelation so you can receive the blessing it promises!
THE WISDOM OF GOD - The Principle Thing
Pastor Rod Parsley shares in depth relevation about the three crucial aspects of the greatest of all treasures... the wisdom of God. In this five sermon series, you'll learn how you can be victorious every day through the wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God will help you focus on the right things and make the right decisions. Order your 5 DVD set today!
The Cross Complete Set
For two years Pastor Rod Parsley worked on a true labor of love for the Father and a dramatic departure from anything He's ever been given to write. It's called: THE CROSS BOOK - One Man... One... Tree... One Friday...
Which Includes:
- The Cross Book
- 8 CDs
- 8DVDs
- Study Guide
- Bookmark