Dear Friend,
It’s time to get ready for Passover - God’s first commanded
feast of the year, ushered in this year with a prophetic sign in the heavens!
And when you are obedient to
keep the
feast, 7 amazing blessings are promised for you as found in Exodus 23:
- Angels on assignment (Ex. 23:20). God promises an
angel to guide His people to the Promised Land.
- An adversary to your adversaries (23:22). God Himself
will defeat your enemies.
- Assets necessary for life (23:25). Food, shelter,
clothing - everything you need to live.
- Affliction removed (23:25). God promises to remove
sickness. Not only will you not be sick, but there won’t
even be sickness around you!
- Agelessness (23:26). God promises to fulfill the number
of our days - with long life, He will satisfy us, and our youth will be
- Abundance overflowing (23:31). God promises a land flowing
with milk and honey. A place to thrive.
- A new beginning (23:20-31). This can be a fresh start of
living in abundance in every area of life - family, finances,
health, and beyond!
I want these blessings for you! And I’m thrilled
to share that Passover this year begins on the heels of a prophetic sign:
- The total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 - 7 years
after the 2017 eclipse passed over 7 cities called Salem.
All 7 planets, apart from Earth itself, were overhead in the darkened
night-like sky - in near perfect alignment!
This is not astrology! God declares clearly in Genesis 1:14 that the sun and moon
were created by Him
to be His “signs” to mark seasons -
mo’edim - special, holy times.
The Holy Spirit is impressing so strongly on my heart:
God has marked
this year with this sign in the heavens - could it be a warning to His
people in our nation who “have an ear to hear”? Could the
choice we make this Passover mean the difference between
judgment and
amazing blessing for our country, for us personally, and for the
American Church?
Ninevah in the Bible was the capital of the wicked Assyrian empire - a city God
had a mind to overturn for its sinfulness. The original Hebrew word behind
overturn in Jonah 3:4, sometimes translated “overthrown” or
“demolished,” is hafakh. It literally means “overturn”
or “invert.”
In this context, it carried a clear double meaning: Either the sin of Nineveh
would be overturned, or the city itself would be overturned. While the choice of
which meaning would become reality belonged to the Ninevites, the turning-over
was unavoidable.
Of course, Jonah was sent by the Lord to preach to Nineveh, and when the city
repented - when they turned back to the Lord and His commands - it was saved. Many
years later, when people asked the Lord Jesus Christ for a sign of His identity
as the promised Messiah and King, He said no sign would be given to them but
the “sign of the prophet Jonah” (Matthew 12:39).
When did this sign come for their generation?
At Passover!
The fact this darkening of 7 Ninevehs has taken place so near to Passover this year
… God must be saying something profound to us!
- The total eclipse over 7 cities of Nineveh may be a prophetic indicator of
the “sign of the prophet Jonah” for us - the sign that our
nation’s moral depravity and sinfulness are about to be
overturned! But the choice belongs to us.
Passover was instituted when the enslaved children of Israel in Egypt were instructed
by the Lord to put the blood of the lamb over their doorposts so “the
destroyer” would pass them by. Israel had a choice, like Nineveh in
Jonah’s day, and like us now: Turn to God and obey His command, or face what
was coming apart from His presence and protection.
Friend, I believe as this Passover begins, God is asking
us to proclaim the blood of the Lamb over America! We must read the sign
of Jonah and call the nation to repentance!
We must turn to God, obey His commands, and trust in His word and His way!
That’s why I believe Passover this year is such an incredibly vital time.
It’s our first opportunity to respond to His command to celebrate the feast.
Deuteronomy 16:16 declares Passover - which is the formal beginning of unleavened
bread - is the first of three designated times of the year when everyone should
present themselves to the Lord, and to bring a gift! The scripture says,
“they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed.”
I believe when we honor God by
celebrating Passover in obedience to God’s command, we acknowledge His
Lordship over our lives and invite His promise of peace - 7 times over!
But the blessing of God is released by what
He does when
we obey -
and every harvest of begins with a seed.
- As you sow a Passover offering in obedience
to God’s instruction and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I want to thank
you by sending you a beautiful wooden bookmark inscribed with Exodus 12:13, which
explains the blood of the Passover lamb, and the Hebrew letter Tav, which resembles
a doorpost, a symbol of where the blood was applied.
- Sow a Passover offering of $50 or more, and I will send you the bookmark along
with my book Take This Cup, which explains the cups of the Passover
Seder - the meal that for Jesus was the last supper - and their importance to
us today.
- Sow a Passover offering of $100 or more and receive the bookmark, the book, and
7 Blessings of the Blood on 7 CDs and 7 DVDs, plus 3 bonus messages:
Doorway of Escape: Marked by Hyssop, which illustrates the power of
Passover cleansing … my brand-new message Signs in the Sky: Passover
2024 … and an accompanying Breakthrough interview
discussing the significance of the eclipse marking this prophetic season.
I want you to have these messages because this year, in particular, you
need to understand what these heavenly signs are, what they mean for different
groups in America, and how they could signal God’s judgment - and the
opportunities for His blessing! Please give at least $100 so you can receive
this important revelation.
- Sow a Passover offering of $300 or more, and I will thank you with all the
above and a beautiful silver chalice designed for communion,
along with a ceremonial bread tray.
I have a special gift for those who
sow a
Passover offering of $1,000 or more: the
Passover Door, a gorgeous
Amish-crafted wooden door, suitable to display on the wall of your home or office,
with a stirring representation of the blood of the lamb on the doorposts as a
reminder of Passover.
Please be sure to request these thank-you gifts
as you obey God's instruction to celebrate the feast and sow your Passover offering.
Your decision now can open the door for you to receive the 7 anointings God
promises you for your obedience to celebrate this feast!
Pastor Rod Parsley