Resurrection Seed
Resurrection Seed

The Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me to teach you daily during the eight days before Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Click here to sign up for my 7-day email teaching series, Your Open Door – beginning Palm Sunday and leading into Easter Resurrection Morning! I want to flood your spirit with faith as you discover the miracle that was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it can accomplish in your life TODAY!

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Tuesday, March 26th - A new location

Dear Friend,

Today is DAY 3 in our countdown to Resurrection Sunday. This is the year of the Open Door – and this week, this coming Sunday, we’ll be celebrating the open and empty tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ!

On the soaring summit of Mount Resurrection, towering above the landscape of time – a day roughly twenty centuries ago in which a lone and lonely descendant of our pristine parents ended Death’s reign – all these blessings became available to the human family! The day Jesus vanquished Death was the apex of God’s patient, brilliantly executed redemptive plan, and His NEW LIFE became a manifested reality to all mankind.

You will find the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in modern Jerusalem, at the corner of Ha-Notsrim and St. Helena streets. Though many doubt the authenticity of the location, as the origin of this tradition is from Helena, the mother of Byzantine Emperor Constantine around the year in AD 327, many – particularly the world’s one-and-a-half billion Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians – believe the church stands over the site of Jesus’ burial place.

Just beyond the Damascus gate, on the Old City’s northern side, you will find another tomb that has come to be referred to as “the Garden Tomb,” which has become for the world’s Protestant pilgrims to Jerusalem what the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is for the world’s Catholics and Orthodox – that is, the definitive burial place of Jesus. Tour buses by the thousands stop here each year and disgorge armies of believes toting cameras and taking selfies with their smartphones. Yet, like the other site, there are legitimate doubts as to whether this is indeed the tomb in which the body of Jesus was laid.

Thus, the actual locations of the Crucifixion and Resurrection remain the subject of debate. It is my belief that this is for the best. Maybe our hunger for a place to venerate and focus our awe upon is misplaced.

Why, you may ask? I’m glad you did!

Take a look at what Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well. He said to her that a day was coming “and is now here” in which a place would no longer be the focal point for true worship of God. He shocked her religious sensibilities by describing a coming day in which geography would become utterly irrelevant to those would serve and honor God!
Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father… Yet the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.”
John 4:21, 23-24
Over the centuries, many countless thousands have searched for relics of Christ’s crucifixion or resurrection, in hopes that they carried supernatural power to heal or protect. But this is not what Jesus died and conquered Death itself to endow to this world!

The blood-bought, born-again believer possesses the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead with ample power to heal, protect, and deliver! (Romans 8:11.) We have no need of holy sites. Everywhere the foot of a child of God treads is holy ground!

We have no need to seek out the spot where Jesus was buried, for the Risen One dwells in our very hearts! Even if the burial place of Jesus could be identified beyond all doubt or debate, we would find no life-transforming power in it. For since the Day of Pentecost, the Power that empties tombs resides in us through the mighty baptism in the Holy Spirt! HALLELUJAH!

As you reflect on Christ’s death and resurrection this week, I pray you will allow the Spirit of God to infuse you with His new life! Whatever is tormenting your body, your mind, your heart, your life – the new life of the Lord Jesus Christ can turn it around!

If you haven’t done so already, please send me your prayer requests and be sure to sow your Resurrection Seed offering so that they can be here by this Friday’s GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE at 7pm ET, as we believing God for the blessings He has promised – restoration, financial abundance, debt cancellation, and a tremendous harvest! and Easter Resurrection Sunday morning at 10 am Eastern. If you are unable to join us in Columbus, Ohio or our great congregation in Elkhart, Indiana for these powerful services, be sure to participate with us online on YouTube Live, Facebook Live, or RODPARSLEY.TV.

Heavenly Father, in this Year of the Open Door, we thank You for the empty tomb and the abundant blessings You have in store for each of us. Open our eyes to see Your hand at work and our hearts to receive Your promises. May Your peace, love, and provision manifest in our lives as we celebrate the victory of our Resurrected King. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen!

Yours for the Harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Sunday, March 24th - Day 1: The Holiest Week of the Year

Monday, March 25th - Day 2: A Hero Emerges

Tuesday, March 26th - Day 3: A new location

Wednesday, March 27th - Day 4: Our Canaan King’s Coronation

Thursday, March 28th - Day 5: Three Powerful Keys

Friday, March 29th - Day 6: Important Last Words

Saturday, March 30th - Day 7: From Gloom to Glory

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