The Holiest Day on God's Calendar
Day of Atonement: God's holiest day of the year! 7 Supernatural Blessings for you!

Days of Awe Teachings

Day 10 – Your Divine Appointment is Here

Dear Friend,

Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ forever, it's finally here! I'm talking about the moment we have been anticipating: Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement!

Not by the Gregorian calendar that you're used to. I mean the year according to God's celestial calendar - the lunar calendar revealed in your Bible.

This is God's "High Holy Day" when once a year, the High Priest was invited into the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the blood of a spotless lamb before the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant when the Lord, our Creator, met with humanity's representative only this one time every year.

Seven times, the High Priest sprinkled the blood of the lamb in God's presence. I believe this is an ancient prophetic reflection of the 7 places your Bible mentions Jesus shed His blood the days leading up to His crucifixion; the 7 exchanges the Lord Jesus made for you from the Cross; and the 7 blessings of the atonement from Joel 2!

The symbolic atonement performed by Israel's ancient High Priest had to be performed once a year, and repeated year after year. In contrast, Jesus' atonement - Himself - only needed to have taken place once for all so you and I could be forever released from the penalty of sin and death.

Of course, you and I could never earn the Atonement. And we could never atone for ourselves. It took someone from eternity -- it took spotless, sinless blood. I hear the song resounding in my spirit-

Jesus paid it all.
All to Him I owe.
Sin had left a crimson stain.
He washed me white as snow.

Israel's ancient High Priest then left God's presence, not to return to the Holy of Holies for another year. The Lord Jesus Christ took His throne in the heavenly temple (Daniel 7) and sat down at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12), decreeing forever, "It is finished!" That's why we must honor His sacrifice.

Leviticus 23:27 says, "Be careful to celebrate the Day of Atonement... You must observe it as an official day for holy assembly, a day to deny yourselves and present special gifts to the LORD."

I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and discover what He does when you stand in obedience to His word and we stand in agreement with each other. Send me your prayer needs now. Celebrate the feast. And watch heaven open over your life.

I want to thank you for joining me during these incredible 10 Days of Awe and for praying for me and our ministry. I have been honored by the Lord to preach this glorious gospel for 50 years - this year is my Jubilee! And I'm believing for God to pour the mighty blessings of Jubilee into your life as you continue to stand with me to declare His name!

Join me today, on the Day of Atonement, in honoring the Lord Jesus Christ, our High Priest, as the Scripture commands.

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Days of Awe – Day 1 – Rosh Hashanah

Days of Awe – Day 2 – Divine Appointment Awaits

Days of Awe – Day 3 – Enter with Boldness

Days of Awe – Day 4 – A Holy Heart

Days of Awe – Day 5 – A Sacred Celebration

Days of Awe – Day 6 – A Call to Prepare

Days of Awe – Day 7 – Prepare for Blessing!

Days of Awe – Day 8 – The Curse is Broken!

Days of Awe – Day 9 – Be Careful to Celebrate!

Days of Awe – Day 10 – Your Divine Appointment is Here

Sow Your Atoenement Offering Now

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