The Holiest Day on God's Calendar
Day of Atonement: God's holiest day of the year! 7 Supernatural Blessings for you!

Days of Awe Teachings

Day 9 – Be Careful to Celebrate!

Dear Friend,

As we seek God's face in these 10 Days of Awe, at the beginning of the remarkable Tabernacles season of Atonement, I believe He is going to move mightily in your life!

Consider what Jesus endured on the Cross - one of the powerful moments His precious blood was shed: "One of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water" (John 19:34).

Thank God, our Savior's death was not the end of the story! Just 72 hours later, He'd give sin... sickness... Satan a final answer, kicking the door out of the 3-day borrowed tomb and rising again in victory! He lives TODAY and He's watching over YOU!

No longer was mankind bound to the fruit of the fall. Through Jesus' final breath, the blood that He shed, and the mighty Resurrection - every sin, stronghold, yoke, curse, burden, and chain that had man bound was broken!

Today, we can rest assured and shout the praises of victory, for the yoke is destroyed and the curse is over! The Lord has made a promise to us all that "though your sins be as scarlet, I will wash them white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18).

Because of the spotless Lamb that was slain, we can rejoice in victory and reclaim our freedom in God, knowing that we have been reconciled back to Him in Christ.

"And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." (Romans 5:11).

So how are we to honor God by what He has done? Leviticus 23:27 gives us the following instruction:

"Be careful to celebrate the Day of Atonement... You must observe it as an official day for holy assembly, a day to deny yourselves and present special gifts to the LORD."

There are absolutes from God that we ought to obey. This means that the grace of God and the law of God are meant to work together in the life of a Christian. It means that glory and government go hand in hand.

We do not heed these absolutes to earn salvation. Never! We can do nothing to earn our salvation. It is the gift of God - we are saved by grace through faith.

But faith is not simply responding though we don't understand God's purpose. Faith is understanding that He is good - and that He would never require anything of us that is not for our benefit. God is FOR you!

I encourage you to give as a thanks offering, but also as a seed sown in expectancy, according to the command of the Lord. His plans are good! His commands are established to bless you, not to harm you! And I believe every seed you sow into His Kingdom - to help perpetuate the message of the Gospel - you will receive back 100-fold.

Then get ready to receive! God has not forgotten about you! You are the apple of His eye. When we rob our seed of expectancy, we make God a taker, and forget to worship Him as the Ultimate Giver of every good and perfect thing!

This year, my 50th year declaring this glorious Gospel - my Jubilee! And I'm believing God to rain down the mighty blessings of His Jubilee on you as well!

Whatever you do - be sure you respond now! The Day of Atonement officially begins at SUNDOWN TONIGHT and continues through sundown tomorrow, Saturday, October 12! Take a step of faith and honor the Lord on the holiest day on God's calendar!

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Days of Awe – Day 1 – Rosh Hashanah

Days of Awe – Day 2 – Divine Appointment Awaits

Days of Awe – Day 3 – Enter with Boldness

Days of Awe – Day 4 – A Holy Heart

Days of Awe – Day 5 – A Sacred Celebration

Days of Awe – Day 6 – A Call to Prepare

Days of Awe – Day 7 – Prepare for Blessing!

Days of Awe – Day 8 – The Curse is Broken!

Days of Awe – Day 9 – Be Careful to Celebrate!

Days of Awe – Day 10 – Your Divine Appointment is Here

Sow Your Atoenement Offering Now

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