Day 4 – Without the Spirit, we are powerless
Dear Friend,
The great Charles Haddon Spurgeon said this concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit:
“Apart from it, we can do nothing. We are as ships without the wind. We are
chariots without steeds to pull them. Like branches without sap, we are withered.”
If the church was ever in a dire need of a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost, it’s in
these moments as we approach Pentecost Sunday!
The Holy Spirit was sent to empower humanity, to dwell within us, and to impart wisdom and
What a gift! John 4:4 proclaims, “Greater is He that is
in you than he who is in the world” … and I believe it!
In John 14, Jesus tells us it was to our
advantage that He returned to the
Father, saying, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Counselor …”
The Holy Spirit is NOT committed to you because you got it right or got it wrong. You didn’t
do anything to receive this blessing, and you cannot do anything to lose that blessing. His
commitment to you is not about you! It’s about the divine directive of God the Father
to the Holy Spirit.
God the Father has assigned the Holy Spirit to you!
For how long? John 14 continues, “… that He may be with you
How in the world could you be defeated? You are so loved by God the Father that He has given not just any common
heavenly messenger, and not just some third, watered-down version of God …
But His own Holy Spirit, who is every bit as much God as God the Father and God the Son!
The Holy Spirit — the Third Person — is the very same Spirit that invaded the borrowed tomb of Joseph
of Arimathea and raised to life again the three-day-dead body of the Prince of God, and He has been assigned to you FOREVER.
Hallelujah! What a freeing and life-giving revelation!
When the Holy Spirit came on that first day of Pentecost — and when He invades your life anew again this
Pentecost Sunday, May 28 — everything changes forever!
Pastor Rod Parsley
P.S. As we approach Pentecost Sunday, I want to make sure your prayer needs and Pentecost offering, sown in
obedience to the command of the Lord to celebrate the feast, are here under the anointing as I pray for you.
Make sure you submit them online today so they can be here in time!