Pentecost Fire Teachings
Day 2 – “Wait for the promise of the Father”
Dear Friend,
I’m so glad you are joining me for these teaching
emails leading up to Pentecost Sunday, May 28.
I have been fanning that Pentecostal fire in prayer twice a day
for you to receive seven amazing blessings of Pentecost as you honor
God in accordance with His command!
Jesus made this appointment with His followers to take place after
His ascension:
“Do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the
Father … you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many
days from now” (Acts 1:4-5).
Today He makes this same appointment with you — to be
anointed with fire and miracle-working power.
We are believing together for these
seven blessings of Pentecost
— that you receive:
- Power to overcome any problem, sickness or bondage!
- Peace in the face of any conflict — large or small!
- Protection for you and your family!
- Presence of the Spirit: daily wisdom and strength!
- Prosperity demonstrating God’s favor upon your life!
- Provision to meet your every need!
- Perfection in all areas of your life!
I declare it boldly because there is POWER and victory in Pentecost.
Pentecost Sunday — May 28 — is God’s appointed
time to meet with you — and it can CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!
- Pentecost — when the fire falls.
- Pentecost — when bodies are healed.
- Pentecost — when financial miracles break through.
- Pentecost — when children get saved.
- Pentecost — when the anointing of the Spirit flows!
- Pentecost — when prayers get answered!
If you haven’t already sown your Pentecost Offering or sent me your prayer requests,
please do it today!
Fill out the online prayer form, so that Joni and I, and our Breakthrough
Prayer Warriors, can pray over your needs …
And we’ll believe together for the release of Pentecost power in your life!
Pastor Rod Parsley
Days of Fire – Day 1 – Your appointment with power
Days of Fire – Day 2 – Wait for the promise of the Father
Days of Fire – Day 3 – The Holy Spirit empowers you
Days of Fire – Day 4 – Without the Spirit, we are powerless
Days of Fire – Day 5 – God said, “Nothing they do will be impossible for them