Passover – 7 Anointings of Passover

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This Passover season, Pastor Rod Parsley wants to teach you specifically in detail through a daily email teaching series, Seven Drops of Spotless Blood, as this anointed season comes to an end at sunset on Tuesday, April 30.

Sign up to receive the email teachings beginning April 23.

DAY THREE: Dominion Power
Thursday, April 25th – Walk in the confidence of God’s victory!

Dear Friend,

This anointed Passover season is an appointed time on God’s calendar when He draws nearer to His people, to bestow upon those who celebrate this feast in obedience incredible anointings: angels on assignment, an adversary to your adversaries, assets necessary for life, affliction removed, agelessness, abundance, and an alpha year of new beginnings!

Today is the third day of the Seven Drops of Spotless Blood email teaching series. If you have missed the previous two days, be sure to catch up now by clicking the link above.

In Genesis 1, God gave man dominion in the Earth. Because of sin entering the world by man’s rebellion, the ground was cursed and we yielded that dominion.

But sin made a crucial mistake when it crucified the Way, the Truth, and the Life … when those Roman soldiers drove spikes through the heels of the one and only unique Son of God, nailing Him to His cross. Spotless blood now covered the feet of man, God’s friend - securing once again, through Jesus, man’s dominion in the Earth!
  • Joshua 1:3 declares, “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you.”
  • In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus said, “these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
  • Deuteronomy 28:6 promises, “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.”

No longer do we have to walk in despair with our heads hung low. Everywhere we go - and every path God sets before us - will be prosperous when guided by His Spirit!

The atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ has set in motion God’s plan to give us a hope and a future, blessing every footstep we take, and giving us back dominion authority! All that remains is for us to submit to God by faith and obedience.

I’m excited, friend! Your miracle may be just days away! The provision has already been made for your ways to be prosperous as you walk in victory with Jesus and keep His commands with steadfast obedience! Be sure to tune in!

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Tuesday, April 23rd – Passover Day 1: The Blood of the Lamb

Wednesday, April 24th – Passover Day 2: He is Willing!

Thursday, April 25th – Passover Day 3: Dominion Power

Friday, April 26th – Passover Day 4: The Earth shall be redeemed!

Saturday, April 27th – Passover Day 5: Your Soul Restored!

Sunday, April 28th – Passover Day 6: Overcome with Favor

Monday, April 29th – Passover Day 7: A Brand-New Covenant

Tuesday, April 30th – Passover Day 8: The power of togetherness

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