This Passover season, Pastor Rod Parsley wants to teach you specifically in detail through a daily
email teaching series,
Seven Drops of Spotless Blood, as this anointed season comes to an
end at sunset on Tuesday, April 30.
Sign up to receive the email teachings beginning April 23.
DAY ONE: The Blood of the Lamb
Tuesday, April 23rd –
Proclaim the precious blood of Jesus over your will today!
Dear Friend,
It's here! TODAY marks the first day of Passover, the first mo'edim-
appointed feast season on God's sacred calendar-of the year!
The Lord's feast celebrations are not simply suggestions or ideas, and they're not "just
for Israel" as some would claim!
God calls them "My feasts" (Leviticus 23:2).
They reveal a sacred cadence - a cycle - that the Creator of the universe in His infinite
wisdom and sovereignty has woven into the very fabric of our existence; a timeline He
has chosen to use to
evaluate and
bless His people.
The feasts are designed by God to bless you! Even the Lord Jesus Christ
Himself said at the Last Supper He's looking forward to celebrating them with us when
He returns (Matthew 26:29)!
Officially beginning last evening at sunset (every day on the God's calendar officially
begins at sunset, because God always moves from darkness to light), Passover is a time
when God Himself has chosen to draw
nearer to His people! I am believing you
to receive all 7 promised anointings He associated with this powerful season as you
obey His command to honor Him during this designated and set-apart feast.
For millennia, the annual celebration of Passover commemorates that very first Passover
in Egypt.
To be spared the tenth and final plague the LORD would bring against Egypt and its gods
(the death of the firstborn), because of their abuse and mistreatment of His people,
Moses was instructed to have the people mark their doorposts with the blood of a
sacrificial Passover lamb on a particular night. Those who trusted in the word of God and
obeyed His command would be spared. The firstborn of Egypt, without the blood of the lamb
marking their doorposts, would die.
Naturally, the Apostle Paul declares Passover to be inseparably linked with the Lord Jesus
Christ in his bold letter to the Church at:
"Therefore purge out the old yeast, that you may be a new batch, since you are
unleavened. For even Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed for us."
- 1 Corinthians 5:7
Passover revealed and foretold how the Lord would save all who trust and obey Him, and accept
His gift of salvation through His precious, spotless, sin-canceling, yoke-destroying,
life-giving blood. Blood He shed not just once … but SEVEN times.
With every drop of His precious, spotless blood, He was making atonement - paying a ransom,
buying back, restoring, healing, forgiving, delivering, moving, providing, and declaring
victory for those who would grasp ahold of Him in faith.
Today, I want to walk you through one of the most powerful gifts provisioned through Jesus' blood.
Journey with me to the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before Jesus would endure one of
the most heart-wrenching and cruel deaths known to man: the Cross of Calvary.
Luke 22:44 records,
"And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly:
and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood."
He prayed through. How? By His will. Because He willed it. He prayed through every fear,
demonic spirit, every
satanic attack, every
force of darkness
trying to stop His divine mission. He prayed through every
natural need,
through every
physical desire and sense of self-preservation.
Do you see Him? Our King who was to become God's Lamb, agonizing under the full light of
a Passover moon - in a garden, perhaps in a favorite place of fellowship between Him and
His Father. The Lord Jesus Christ - Our Savior, Redeemer, and Friend shed His blood in
earnest prayer!
And what was His prayer?
"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will, but thine be done."
He shed blood while yielding His will to God His Father here in this garden, when
in a different garden, many, many years before, our greatest-grandparents Adam and
Eve asserted their own wills over God's
command in defiance.
Here in Gethsemane, Jesus had the will, the strength, and the
determination to pray, to do, and to submit to the mind of God-to be empowered to
enforce His Father's will!
Hallelujah! That means you - and every loved one you have that places their
faith in the blood of the Lamb can be set free of EVERY kind of addiction you can
Sexual addiction - drug addiction - alcohol addiction - food addiction - lying addiction
- pornography addiction - I proclaim the blood of Jesus over your will, NOW!
In that moment, He purchased back your will! Your REAL will, uncontaminated by the
plague of sin.
You can say no!
- When the temptation comes, say no!
- When the sickness knocks on the doors of your heart, say no!
- When the tempter says to crawl into the nether world of the Internet again -
you can say "I will not!"
- When fear surrounds you and tells you to be afraid, you can shout, "No! I
will trust the Lord!"
Jesus gave you the ability to pray in faith through any circumstance … with a
God-ordained will; a will that is submitted to the Father. He prayed through and
submitted His will, as the apostle Paul says in Philippians 2:8, "unto death, even
death on a cross."
But that is not the end of the story. Verse 9 continues,
"Wherefore God also hath
highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name."
He submitted … not merely to the cross, but
the cross. His obedient sacrifice itself was a seed that turned into blessing, reward,
and victory, not only for Him - but for you and me! He is now "highly exalted," and
we are "joint heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17).
These are the things His Father willed for Him. And they are the same things God our
Father wills for YOU … to overcome the enemy and to shower you in victory for
His own name's sake … to raise you up with Christ, who is "highly exalted."
Glory to God!
Be sure to get
your Passover Offering and
your prayer needs to me as soon as possible! PASSOVER HAS BEGUN!
Joni and I want to pray for you every day during God's commanded feast, which in
conjunction with the Feast of Unleavened Bread is celebrated by God's people this
year through April 30.
Pastor Rod Parsley
Tuesday, April 23rd – Passover Day 1: The Blood of the Lamb
Wednesday, April 24th – Passover Day 2: He is Willing!
Thursday, April 25th – Passover Day 3: Dominion Power
Friday, April 26th – Passover Day 4: The Earth shall be redeemed!
Saturday, April 27th – Passover Day 5: Your Soul Restored!
Sunday, April 28th – Passover Day 6: Overcome with Favor
Monday, April 29th – Passover Day 7: A Brand-New Covenant
Tuesday, April 30th – Passover Day 8: The power of togetherness