Passover – 7 Anointings of Passover

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This Passover season, Pastor Rod Parsley wants to teach you specifically in detail through a daily email teaching series, Seven Drops of Spotless Blood, as this anointed season comes to an end at sunset on Tuesday, April 30.

Sign up to receive the email teachings beginning April 23.

DAY SEVEN: A Brand-New Covenant
Monday, April 29th – His blood makes all things new!

Dear Friend,

Today is the 7th day of this Passover season and our Seven Drops of Spotless Blood email teaching series. I am praying right now that the Lord would seal His truth in your heart as you consider everything we have covered this week.

In the book of Genesis, it is outlined that God made Eve from a rib taken out of Adam’s side (Genesis 2:22). Having made Eve, God presented her to Adam and established the first marriage covenant. Several millennia later, another side was opened: that of our Canaan King, as He hung lifeless on His cross.

Scripture records that when Jesus had committed His spirit into His Father’s hands, “one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water” (John 19:34).

I believe in that very moment ... God restored our relationships... our marriages... the togetherness that He established in our lives.

Whether you’ve been abused or rejected ... cast down, cast aside, or cast away ... whether the people you thought were your very best friends turned against you, God is releasing an anointing to mend those broken, torn, and jagged relationships by the blood of Jesus!

After this final bleeding, the atoning work of Christ on Calvary’s cross was complete. A great and final exchange took place: His strength for our weakness - His life for our death. No longer was mankind bound to sin. Through Jesus’ final breath and the blood that He shed - every sin, stronghold, yoke, curse, burden, and chain that had man bound was broken!

In the original Passover in Egypt, the blood of the Passover lamb redeemed the family on whose doorposts and lentils it was painted. On Passover through Christ, by His Blood, Jesus redeemed all who place their faith in Him.

In Exodus 6:6-7, God makes 4 distinct promises:

”Therefore say to the children of Israel: ’I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm and with great judgments. And I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God. And you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”

In the Jewish tradition of Passover Seder, there are 4 cups of wine that each represent one of the 4 promises in Exodus 6.
  • The Cup of Consecration: “I will bring you out”
  • The Cup of Deliverance: “I will deliver you”
  • The Cup of Redemption: “I will redeem you”
  • The Cup of Praise: “I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God”

In Luke 22:20, we are told that as Jesus sat at the table, He took the third cup in His hand and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you.”

That third cup -- the Cup of Redemption -- that Jesus offered up to His disciples in that upper room, was actually the cup of the new covenant, about to be purchased with His precious blood and given graciously by a loving heavenly Father for each one of us.

I cannot write these words without weeping at this glorious truth that echoes down through the ages! Jesus is the Passover! He is the Lamb of God! His blood is the once and for all sacrifice that makes all other sacrifices obsolete! His blood redeems! His blood cleanses! His blood makes right what has been destroyed through sin! And He invites each one of us to drink the cup of His new covenant and be liberated by the living God!

Remember to send me your prayer needs so we can lift up our voices in prayer, believing for God to unleash His 7 Passover anointings into your life. We’ll lift up a shout of praise and victory in confidence that He will do all He has said He will do.

Yours for the harvest,

Pastor Rod Parsley

Tuesday, April 23rd – Passover Day 1: The Blood of the Lamb

Wednesday, April 24th – Passover Day 2: He is Willing!

Thursday, April 25th – Passover Day 3: Dominion Power

Friday, April 26th – Passover Day 4: The Earth shall be redeemed!

Saturday, April 27th – Passover Day 5: Your Soul Restored!

Sunday, April 28th – Passover Day 6: Overcome with Favor

Monday, April 29th – Passover Day 7: A Brand-New Covenant

Tuesday, April 30th – Passover Day 8: The power of togetherness

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